TII announce a series of events that mark Heritage Week 2016

To mark Heritage Week 2016, Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) are holding a series of events around the country, in addition to this year’s annual Heritage Week seminar in Dublin, Road, Rail and Rebellion which again will be held in the Wood Quay Venue on the Thursday of Heritage week. Times, venues and booking details for each event are listed below.

Sunday – August 21st

Wexford – Irish National Heritage Park, Ferrycarrig

Feeding the Ancestors: the importance of corn-drying kilns in preserving the medieval harvest

How did our ancestors preserve and prepare crops for storage? Archaeologists Susan Lyons and Orla Power demonstrate Ireland’s only functioning corn-drying kiln using authentic fuels and cereals.

Time: 14.30 to 16.00

Organised in association with the Irish National Heritage Park.

Booking is advised. Please contact [email protected]; telephone: 053 9120733; or [email protected]

Monday – August 22nd

Roscommon – Rathcroghan Visitor Centre, Tulsk

Beyond Rathcroghan: archaeological geophysical surveys along the N5 Ballaghaderreen–Scramoge

Archaeological geophysical surveys carried out along the N5 Ballaghaderreen–Scramoge Road Development have revealed some new and exciting archaeological sites. Dr James Bonsall will present his findings.

Time: 19:00 to 20:00

Organised in association with Rathcroghan Visitor Centre.

[email protected]; telephone: 087 2857532

Tuesday – August 23rd

Kerry – O’Sullivan’s Bar, Garraí na dTor, Lios Póill

A case of the bends—archaeological discoveries on the N86 Lispole to Ballynasare Lower Road Improvement Scheme  

Archaeologist Bruce Sutton will talk about recent discoveries on the N86, including fulachtaí fia and charcoal-making in An Bhanóg Theas and an early medieval farmstead in Baile na Saor Beag.

Time: 20.00 to 21.00

Organised in association with Kerry County Council.

[email protected]; Telephone: 061 496800

Galway – Árus Uilinn, Moycullen

Stone Age to Steam Age: the archaeology and architectural heritage of Moycullen and environs

Illustrated public lecture by Transport Infrastructure Ireland Archaeologist Jerry O’Sullivan.

Time: 20:30 to 22:00

[email protected]; Telephone: 087 6469327/091 509052

Kildare – Council Chambers, Naas Town Hall

One family? An Early Bronze Age cemetry at Moone, County KIldare

An illustrated talk on the results of the excavation of an Early Bronze Age cemetry in Moone, Co. Kildare, undertaken in 2007 in advance of the construction of the M9 Kilcullen to Carlow motorway.

Time: 20:00 to 22:00

Organised in association with Kildare County Council and Naas Local History.

[email protected]; Telephone: 086 8296098

Thursday – August 25th

Dublin – Wood Quay Venue, Dublin Civic Offices

Road, Rail and Rebellion

Road, Rail and Rebellion will present a number of papers Emer Dennehy will present an account of a 19th-century cholera burial ground rediscovered during the Luas Cross City project; while Padraig Clancy will discuss how the insurgents use of the tram system during the 1916 Rising; while Donncha O’Dulain will present a paper on how the Luas Cross City project has shone a light on the fighting in Dublin, particularly the impact on the statuary of the city centre.  Faith Bailey will present the final paper on a War of Independence ambush site from Cork.

It will be followed that evening by the launch of Above and Below: The Archaeology of Roads and Light Rail, being the proceedings of TII Heritage Week 2015.

Time: 15:45 to 20:00

Booking is essential please register using eventbrite – https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/road-rail-and-rebellion-a-tii-heritage-week-event-tickets-25809311345?aff=es2

Sunday – August 27th

Waterford – Reginald’s Tower, Waterford, & Waterford Suir Valley Railway, Kilmeaden

Cycle or take the train along the Waterford Greenway to Carriganore near the Woodstown Viking site. Bring a picnic, take part in family friendly heritage activities and discover the Greenway’s heritage.

Time: 12:00 to 16:00

Organised in partnership with Waterford City and County Council.

[email protected]; Telephone: 051 390130